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Beach Chairs
"All the arts we practice are apprenticeship.
The Big Art is our Life." 

-M.C. Richards

Private Individual Retreat Intensives


Finding the Keys to Inner-Wisdom
Learning to Find and Follow Subconscious Inner Knowing
Healing Care and Private Sanctuary Retreat to Unwind and Find Inner Truth
Creating New Direction and Life Path in the Arts

Here are the current mentoring programs available. I am also open to creating something more specific for you if/as feasible and warranted and based on your Self-Introduction!


With Love,




PROGRAM I (a) SoulArts Private Guided Day Spa (1 Day)

1-Full Day Nourishing/Nurturing Solo Art & Day Spa at SoulArts Sanctuary in Ashland OR working with Ronda LaRue and having time for self-stillness and insight.


This special private full day personal SoulArts Spa Day offers you a day of rest, inquiry, creative nurturing, time alone in a gorgeous and private Ashland home setting near Emigrant Lake and spiritual process/insights to take home with you!



  • Starter Package Welcome with some meaningful 'get ready' home prep questions and sharing to help Ronda best prepare and serve your nourishing SoulArts Sanctuary Private Spa Arts Day!

  • 2-Sessions with Ronda (one at start, and one at closing with specific take homes)

  • Healthy meals, teas, guided access to working in the Art Studio; use of the swimming pool, lounging by the wild duck pond, hiking, or just relaxing in your own private apartment space above the art studio (also where we will likely meet for our 2 sessions which will normally take about 2 hours each).​


Arrival (between 8-10am TBD)

Departure (between 5-6pm)


Price Total: $650. 100% Private Guided SoulArts Spa with all amenities, prep work, and 4-6 hours with Ronda (allowing for more or less time alone as is right for the situation):  



Self-Introduction & Statement of Intent (Application)​  followed by a reply from Ronda with any questions clarified or further discussion where needed.



PROGRAM I (b)  SoulArts Private 3-Night Guided Immersion Retreat

3-Night Private Stay at SoulArts Sanctuary in Ashland OR working with Ronda LaRue in a program designed for radical life breakthrough and take home processes.


This special private 3 Night personal SoulArts Immersive Retreat offers you full personalized guided direction alongside private accommodations, art processes and ability to roam the grounds, sit by the pond, rest overlooking Emigrant Lake or take a gentle hike between morning and afternoon sessions and your progressing evening solo work as you start to "own" your own inner wisdom path... 




  • Starter Package Welcome with some meaningful 'get ready' home prep questions and sharing to help Ronda best prepare and serve your nourishing SoulArts Sanctuary Private Spa Arts Day!

  • 6-Sessions with Ronda each usually several hours followed with solo inner listening practices with specific take homes)

  • Healthy meals, teas, guided access to working in the Art Studio; use of the swimming pool, lounging by the wild duck pond, hiking, or just relaxing in your own private apartment space above the art studio.


Day 1 Arrival (between 1-3pm) - to Start by 4pm

Day 3 Departure (between 9-11am)


Price Total: $2800* 100% Private Guided SoulArts Practice with all amenities, prep work, and approximately 11-14 hours with Ronda directly (allowing for more or less time alone as is right for the situation):  d



Self-Introduction & Statement of Intent (Application)​  followed by a reply from Ronda with any questions clarified or further discussion where needed.


*Travel to/from and while here not included. But the rest SURE IS!

See TESTIMONIALS left in SoulArts Guestbooks to get a feel from those who have done this work.



PROGRAM II 1(c) Life Purpose 1 Day-Intensive




Arrival (between 8-10am TBD)

Departure (between 5-6pm)

Price Total: $1200*


PROGRAM II 1(d) Life Purpose 3 Day-Intensive



Price Total: $3400* 100% Private Guided SoulArts Practice with all amenities, prep work, and approximately 11-14 hours with Ronda directly (allowing for more or less time alone as is right for the situation):  



(c)  2-Night Private Couples Retreat

2-Night Private Stay at SoulArts Sanctuary in Ashland OR working with Ronda LaRue in a program designed for radical life breakthrough and take home processes.


Day 1 Arrival (between 2-4pm) - to Start by 4pm

Day 3 Departure (between 9-11am)


Price Total: $2800* 100% Private Guided SoulArts Practice with all amenities, prep work, and approximately 9-11 hours with Ronda and Matt directly (allowing for more or less time alone as is right for the situation):  



Self-Introduction & Statement of Intent (Application)​  followed by a reply from Ronda with any questions clarified or further discussion where needed.


*Travel to/from and while here not included. But the rest SURE IS!

See TESTIMONIALS left in SoulArts Guestbooks to get a feel from those who have done this work.



PROGRAM II (a) MIDLIFE MISSION - Career Path and Lifework Work Startup 








If you feel called to working privately with me (most often in a 3 night private guided retreat intensive, I encourage you to please read a few articles of mine (if you have not already); perhaps listen to an audio talk or watch an older YouTube video - and then listen in to your heart (more than your mind) to see if you feel called and ready for such a journey. (If you feel called to it, you will know it.)   

I look forward to hearing from you and to listening in with you to see if this unique SoulArts Breakthrough Process feels the right direction for you at this time - and if so - to ushering you into the ONE ESSENTIAL JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME: The journey to see and dare share your True Self in this world...


With Love,








*Please join my SUBSCRIBERS MAIL LIST to be apprised of new offerings and updates. (I never send many emails because I struggle with receiving far too many myself!)


PREVIOUS CLIENT/FRIENDS:  For those with whom I have worked in the past, I offer a SOULARTS SOJOURNER's special price to honor our continuing journey and relationship together.

Please email me directly!

Ready to Step In?

Inquire Here About Your Interest in a Private Mentoring Process





Here you'll find mostly all free resources of my teachings and lifework.  There are a lot of home exercises in the my writings (Articles).  The audio and video offer guided meditations, virtual retreats, interviews and talks as well as my retrospective and current set of galleries depicting some of my many art pieces and projects over the years. Please respect my copyright and enjoy the fields of contemplation...



  • AUDIO: Free Meditations, Talks & Interviews



  • BOOKS:  Ronda's Books and DVD


  • ART WORKS:  Ronda's Retrospective Art Galleries


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