Ronda Linette LaRue, M.S.
SoulArts Creative Awareness Home Practice (TM) real life self-awareness, healing and inner direction on the go
Couples Soul Counsel Home Meditation Practice(TM) clarity and honorable communication at a marriage crossroads
A unique opportunity to apprentice privately and directly with internationally-regarded spiritual author/teacher, Ronda LaRue. A student of east/west spirituality and trained social-psychology researcher, it wasn't until Ronda's own dark night of soul crisis in her 40's that she experienced a radical shift of conscious awareness that changed her life! Living through that awakening breakthrough today forms the basis of her powerfully-unique and spunky soularts process which she has shared with many hundreds of seekers who have come to work with her over the past 20 years.
For those who are seeking the real deal journey into their own maturing pathways of self-healing inner peace, playful creativity, and expressed real purpose in life, I invite you to these pages...
I serve those who feel stuck or bereft from life's hardships ...and yet ache - and dare! - to find, understand, claim, and creatively express their own unique genius and gifts in this world ...before they die. To me, there is nothing more true to the human spirit and success in life than that.
This soul-awakening life shift can happen at any age: For many it seems to come at midlife, and sadly for most, it never does because our culture does not teach us about self-awareness, maturing consciousness and healing breakthrough.
It is my greatest and humble privilege to have learned the way through the most difficult briars and brambles of life - and to have been endowed with an unique capacity to assist and shine that light onto the healing journey of others! (READ MY PERSONAL EXPOSE HERE if this interests you, or see my first book: "Remembering Who You Really Are: The Journey of Awakening from The Dark Night of Soul" for the story of my own (first ...or was it the second :) midlife undoing and awakening to the language and ways of soul.)
For the past decades I have been blessed to work with people from all walks of life and from all over the world who have read my works, listened to their hearts, and contacted me about a mentoring apprenticeship.
This website has a lot of material. It is all part of sharing the ONE ESSENTIAL JOURNEY: The journey of awakening to soul - and to putting mind in service to her emergent and elegant great genius.
Some call my work a guided spiritual awakening. It is that - and it is much more. Words simply don't suit. Never will! And so I offer you the best I can: Words that arise from a direct experience and as unfiltered and uncontaminated by mind as possible. Words that shine as little fractals of light that hold the capacity to resonate with and quicken the inner awareness that awaits you beyond the threshold of an over-controlling, needy and mechanistic mind. The work we do together is all about an awakening breakthrough that is in direct relationship with your real life, on the move. It is Grounded. Real. Playful. Surprising. Art.
And I'll tell you what: When this awakening breakthrough in seeing occurs -(most often during the hardest moments in life) there is a realization - a new dawning of understanding - a perceptual shift in knowing ...that will simply change your life and your creative response to life forever... It is where you and your life become seated in the Soul's genius and ways...
I trust you landed here for a reason as have so many others who have landed here and with whom I have had the great honor of ushering through to the other side of understanding. And I trust too that if/when the time is right and if/when your heart calls you to it, that you will reach out.
...Come find out for yourself that there is no greater journey than your own!
Here's to The One Essential Journey: YOUR Journey of Soul....
ronda larue
Privately-Guided Inner Awakening Intensives & Apprenticeship Mentoring
805-746-1657 (txt preferred please)
I invite you to explore the many free writings, audio, video here to help you simply listen into your own inner voice. If you are called to an inner renaissance by way of this unique mentoring relationship with me, I shall look forward to hearing from you.*
*(For those who are teacher-healer-therapists, the teacher training SoulArts Apprenticeship & Certification Program is based on application. Introduce yourself to learn more.)
For those interested in highly charged creative collaboration by way of customized events, sacred spaces and soul scapes, I encourage you to please get in touch if you'd like to explore new visions.
The One Essential Journey
of a Lifetime...
Ronda L. LaRue, M.S. - Ashland, Oregon
The Center for SoulArts
SoulArts Practice TM
Couples Soul Counsel Home Practice TM
SoulArts Scapes TM
InfoVision Systems - Organizational Consulting
Ronda LaRue’s work as a spiritual teacher and mentoring guide has gained a growing global visibility over the past 2 decades, with individuals and couples traveling from all over the world to work, one-on-one, with Ronda at her artisan home spa for the soul in the beautiful cultural arts community of Ojai, California. Rated Best of the West US and Top 10 Spiritual Retreats Worldwide for this novel one-on-one holistic mind body spiritual teaching and mindfulness meditation tool.*
**Non-denominational. Open to all peoples and paths of tolerance for diversity.